Friday, 24 September 2010

To Sir (female, plural), With Love

So there aren't many things I dislike about Glee.

There. I said it. I'm a Gleek. I am a Gleek first-and-foremost because I like the music. Many have a problem with "what Glee does to old music". To them I say that having someone else sing a song in a slightly more modern way does not screw over the original. Rather, it brings attention to it. You guys have a problem with theatre companies that present Shakespeare in a way that lets kids get into it? End of song.

Notice that rant just then? That's how much I like Glee.

Anyway, as aforementioned, there aren't many things I dislike about Glee. It's actually not so much that I dislike anything about Glee at all, really, it's more the people that have jumped on the bandwagon. For example, Glee tributes, which have brilliantly decided that the world was somewhat lacking in Glee, and that, since Glee is obviously no longer around to fulfil our Glee-based needs, they should supply us with the Glee we are so lacking in our daily lives.

"I just can't deal with life," the children say, "now that Glee is gone. It was a part of my life for so long, and has made such an impact."

A woman, mid-30s, WASP, suggests over cocktails with the girls "There's a Glee tribute band playing next week - shall we go?", to which one of the girls replies "Ooh, gosh, that takes me back."


Glee-based reality shows are possibly worse (but how you would go about measuring that I really couldn't imagine). For those of you who have already stopped believing and therefore thought "that doesn't apply to me" (switching over to The Biggest Loser, because that rings true), these are full of people who, despite having strong musical backgrounds and a BA in Grinning, seemingly didn't realise that this was what they wanted to do with their lives until 12 months ago when TV told them it was. It's great that people want to make music and, you know, smile (you worked hard for that 2:1!), but I dislike anything with a bandwagon. Especially horses. I just can't get behind a horse with a bandwagon.

Cultural bandwagons are everywhere these days, and I don't much care for it. When I was younger there was no TV show offering a chance for sixteen-year olds who wanted to be Britain's Next Top Vampire Slayer. Good thing too, 'cause these days Buffy's not going to be slaying vampires so much as decapitating the hordes of teenage girls defending said vampires just because they're glittery (don't get me started on glittery vampires).

There is a point to this, I promise. Though it's been waylaid by my new job as a writer for Grumpy Old Men.

The point is this (and you're going to hate me for taking the long way here, but you may as well get used to tangents): There are things I DO like about Glee, and one of those things is that it makes me feel better about the relationships I had with my teachers.

There were only four things in school that I was actually good at:

1. English. Quelle surprise! (I sucked at French)

2. Biology. Somehow I respond well to diagrams of the reproductive system, despite the fact I never intend to use it for it's real purposes.

3. Computing. I was creating spreadsheets in the womb. Perhaps more impressive was that my mother has Microsoft Office installed.

4. Drama. Which I never left.

Far be it from me to be the saddest boy at the party, but if I wasn't sitting in the Drama department I was at the chippy across the street getting a deep-fried pizza (surprisingly healthy - if you weren't fit enough to run, you weren't getting across that road). There are maybe a handful of people I would say have really inspired me in my life, and at least four of them were drama teachers. Which does sound pretty sad, but I doubt my mother lay awake at night and thought "why can't he be more influenced by adulterous, over-paid, arrogant football players, or that nice Eminem fella?" (my mum doesn't say "fella", but that's 'cause she's not Vera Duckworth).

So I'm at Glasgow Central Station Lower Level, three days ago, when I felt someone tap me on the back. One of those moments when you'll usually turn round and it's just that someone has accidentally hit you with their guitar or their ridiculous nose (try not to gawk...NO! Don't look again! He'll know you're-OOPS! Yeah, let's pay attention to the stairs again...).

Pleasantly surprisingly (see "Things I was good at at school Number 1"), it was one of those four people I was talking about a whole tangent ago, on her way to meet another one of those four people. What really impacted me was that here I was, eventually talking to them both, about what I was "doing with myself". And they made me feel genuinely proud. A point was made about how they never hear anything from me, and usually stuff filters down, so when I started talking about what I was doing, some of it was a total surprise to them. Apparently I never struck them as the musical theatre type, but whether that was because I was a pretentious eejit or just too fat to dance remains a mystery. But here were these women, five years on, still the same people, still making me feel good about where I was in life.

It's not much, God knows. But I'm so happy with the opportunities I've had in the last year, and yeah, I'm still not getting paid for it, and I don't want to be doing amateur theatre and short films for my whole life. But where I am - it's awesome, for now. And it just spurred me on to spend the next year really working at this, because I have more people rooting for me. And I want new things to be able to tell them next time I run into them (preferably with lots of hard-earned money in my pockets, just to pad out the ol' thigh muscles).

So a new, even more long-term goal is set:

One day I will turn up at that school, walk into that department, and say the immortal words "Hi guys, look at all the parts I have". And there, as they watch the police wrestle me to the ground, I know they'll be proud.

And hopefully post bail.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Tonight, Tonight

*sigh* Amateur work.

Occasionally there are amateur projects that are just never going to work well. Okay, quite frequently, there are amateur projects that are going to make you look like an idiot. Amateur work is well-known for it's tendency absolute crap. 

I've been in the audience for these things. It's not pretty. Too many times I've watched bad "actors" trying to "act", totally miscast (not that long ago I watched a man in his 50s play a Disney prince). Generally, it's just because people take it far too seriously, and in entirely the wrong way. 

Picture, if you will, my lovely smile. Now imagine the pretend version. Imagine me standing at an aftershow party, for an amateur play. A crap amateur play, that I was (thankfully) not in (actually, scratch the "thankfully" - I can't be choosy). Listening to other audience members talk to the cast and the director about how fabulous that cardboard tree was at the back of the stage. Imagine a drink in my hand, quite regularly going to my lips just to give my mouth a rest from all the pretend-smiling. You see that smile, tree-play people? Now that's acting, bitches. Can this be my life? Can I now be forever relegated to watch and perform crap like this?

Don't get me wrong, there are excellent amateur companies out there, run by people who dream of also doing it for money some day; people with talent; people who take it the right amount of seriously. I'll take amateur theatre jobs. I love acting so much I'm willing to do it for free while I'm not doing it for money. Once I'm doing it for money then obviously I'll re-assess my position on it and become a snob, but for now it's the best thing I can be doing. Keeping my foot in the door, hobnobbing with people who, one day, could be big. Exercising my acting muscles (which involves my glutes more often than I'd like). Companies like this, though, are but a distant dream. They are the next step up. These companies will save me from the Fourth Ring of Amateur Hell.

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, almost as if I'd planned this story to go in this direction...


Three words: West. Story. Side. Not necessarily in that order. (Damn, that's eight words.)

An amateur job! And this won't be the same. It won't. I have reached the dream amateur scenario. 

They held auditions, which is a start. No directors casting themselves, and their friends, and their friends-friends, thrashing about with no sense of what it is they actually want their cast to look like (because what they want their cast to look like is their most recent Facebook album). 

They have a design plan. They have a rehearsal schedule. They have a choreographer than I know is good (she runs her own dance school). A musical director, directing music, making it sound like music! With music! Real music!

And the director is going to crack...the...whip. 

Mecca? Is that you?!

Now nothing goes wrong more easily than musical theatre. You're more exposed because if the singing or the dancing or the acting aren't executed well it totally shows, and audiences have more purists in them who are looking for things to hate.

But this won't be that. This WON'T be like that. These people know what they're doing.

And tonight: MAMBO! I have to impress. This is just the first in a long line of auditions that are going to go my way. It's looking up. 

Please, God, let it be looking up!!!

Edit:- The rehearsal is not tonight. It's next week. There is no rehearsal tonight. 

Talk about keen.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The Bottom of the Heap

Tangent: Prologue

I can't do simple introductions. It's always been a problem. The first sentence of my dissertation was the hardest to write, and probably the one that got edited the most. I never know how to begin a good e-mail or a letter or a birthday card, and it's hard to make people understand: a card containing "To Jessica (I'd write more than that, but this was all I could think of)" doesn't go down very well, especially when you realise that Jessica doesn't have any sense of irony.

So let me just say how grateful I am for the fact you've gotten this far. I apologise if you don't like this. I'm not nearly this much of a douche in real life. Well, not entirely this douche-ish. I do have douchey moments, but generally this is just my over-the-top writing style. Which is pretty douchey. And tangent-riddled. Okay, focus. Apology: end.

Here goes.

This, for lack of a better way of introducing myself, is me:

At this point in time, I am drunk. Kind of. Not only drunk, but I'm in a photo booth, in Glasgow Central train station, at 6am, trying to look pretty and keep my eyes from closing as the camera goes. This is not easy. This was attempt number five.

The thing about getting your photo taken is that you've got so much to think about. How big does my hair look? Smile a bit, but not like you're trying. Keep your head at a slightly downward angle. Look at the camera thoughtfully. Pensively, even. What is wrong with your nose?! Okay, so lift your head a little. There!

"If you wish to take your photo again..."

You have a lazy eye. Fix it. Smile more next time, you just look pissed off. Hair: Disney-Prince-like (in your dreams). Collar: fixed. Head: angled. Eyes: smiling. Remember what Tyra taught you!

And that's when you realise: you really need to get some acting work. Because you have self-indulgence overload.

I left University two year ago this Summer, with a top second-class BA (with Honours - very important, means nothing) in Drama. While I was there I did all sorts of things - sometimes I even studied. But mostly I acted. We'll get into all of this later, but for now, all you need to know, is that in three years I performed nearly 30 different productions. Some of it might've even been good! And if not, everyone does some crap at some point (and that's how I sleep at night). Anyway, mini-success. Big-ish fish, small-ish pond, bright-ish future

Two years on. Paid work, lead roles, my own place!
Sorry. Amateur work, supporting roles, living with my mother.

Two years dipping in and out of acting, focussing more on getting a real job to fund a relocation (somehow it seems that London might have more acting work, which is strange, because London's tiny!). But now, I'm realising I can start now, while I'm still making the (very little) money.

And THIS, my friends, is what gets us to the whole point of this blog. I have the ambition, and the talent, and the drive. I'm even getting to the stage now where (thanks to muchos running) I'm on my way to having the body. But none of it is quite there yet. It needs to be organised! Documented! Told to strangers!

So I'm setting myself a challenge: 

To get my first REAL paid acting job by July 17th 2011 - exactly three years after my graduation.

To do this, I'm going to try everything. Classes, networking, amateur work, talent websites, short films, student productions, begging, borrowing, stealing (though what I'd steal and who from is anyone's guess). Just one fully paid acting job, in less than 11 months. And I'm going to do it.

After that, we'll see about getting regular work.

Gosh I'm scared.